hormone health

Melatonin & Your Hormones

Melatonin & Your Hormones

Melatonin seems to be everybody’s favorite sleep aid but you may be less aware of just how important melatonin is for hormone regulation. Your entire endocrine system relies on rhythms and routine in your life so that it secretes just the right amount of each hormone, at the right time for you to fall asleep and stay asleep, have a regular period, wake up and sustain energy throughout your day, and on and on.

Virtual Visits: What It's Like To Meet Virtually Vs. In-Person

Virtual Visits: What It's Like To Meet Virtually Vs. In-Person

I’m seeing a vast majority of client virtually these days and I’ve had a lot of questions about what it’s like to meet virtually, rather than in-person.

First of all, now is such a great time to address your health because there is an amazing opportunity to slow down right now. With as much conflicting information as there is out there, having a guide to individualize a plan that is made for you specifically is so, so important.

Lab Tests to request when you think you may have PCOS

Lab Tests to request when you think you may have PCOS

The word is out more than ever about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and for good reason with it being the most common chronic illness in women of reproductive years. You may have heard about it online or from a friend but how do you know if you have it? PCOS is diagnosed using what is called the Rotterdam Criteria and you basically need 2 out of the 3 criteria for a diagnosis.

Now Is The Perfect Time To Reverse Your PCOS

Now Is The Perfect Time To Reverse Your PCOS

Have you been having irregular or totally absent menstrual cycles? Maybe, hair loss or acne? Or maybe you’ve been trying to get pregnant for months and it’s just not happening. Or you’re worried about how easily you’ll be able to get pregnant in the future.

I know what that is like because I’ve been there, not to mention worked with so many women experiencing the exact same thoughts and symptoms.

Elevated Cortisol May Be Causing Your Low Progesterone

Elevated Cortisol May Be Causing Your Low Progesterone

In the adrenal glands, cortisol is literally made from progesterone, which means if you’re experiencing stress at higher levels, your body has a great demand for cortisol, which will push progesterone towards that pathway rather than being available to balance your estrogen. This becomes even worse of an issue if you’re not ovulating, due to PCOS, hypothalamic amenorrhea or because of hormonal birth control.