mental health

Lab Tests to request when you think you may have PCOS

Lab Tests to request when you think you may have PCOS

The word is out more than ever about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and for good reason with it being the most common chronic illness in women of reproductive years. You may have heard about it online or from a friend but how do you know if you have it? PCOS is diagnosed using what is called the Rotterdam Criteria and you basically need 2 out of the 3 criteria for a diagnosis.

Shifting Perspective During COVID-19

Shifting Perspective During COVID-19

Theoretically, we’ve all be waiting for this time to be able to do the things we don’t think we have time to do. Most likely, that has a lot to do with doing less. I’ve heard quite a bit of messaging out there to do more with this time. Start the business, create the thing, be productive still. And I would like to release some of that pressure so we can realize that this is the model that we’re trying to leave behind.